Why .MEN? 为什么 .MEN?

Men’s interests have traditionally been targeted in printed magazines, encompassing a broad range of categories, such as: sport and entertainment; cars, boats, planes and motorcycles; sex and dating; style, fashion and male grooming; health and fitness… With so many topics of global interest for men, there is an abundance of available material, and as worldwide Internet use has increased enormously over the past decade so has the online men’s interest sector. The new .MEN generic Top Level Domain (TLD) brings together the range of categories in the men’s interest sector to a dedicated and focused location. The .MEN generic Top Level Domain (TLD) provides a space for stakeholders in this expansive sector to conduct their business and communicate with each other easily and effectively.

拼音 men可以理解为:‘门’或‘们’。这两者在我们生活中是缺一不可的,就好比我们.MEN域名一样。后缀简短而精炼,一眼过去就能够直接清楚它的意思。 ‘门’如同一个希望,打开走出去就有路。门的另一边可为我们带来无限的可能。通过互联网的世界让我们.MEN来打开您的世界之门,互联网之门,成功之门和幸运之门吧! 英文字母men意味着男人。男人最爱莫落于女人,事业,车子,手表,游艇,健身,时尚等等。拥有了.MEN好比在互联网的最前端展示男人的需要。但也适用于任何其他行业:药材,食材,维修,地方门户。用途非常广泛的.MEN将会是一只黑马,未来的前景无可限量啊。

What is the .MEN registry?

The growth of the men’s interests online has brought with it a huge influx of content, much of which is unfocused, and it is imperative that as the sector continues to grow Internet users are able to easily find the content they are looking for. The new .MEN generic Top Level Domain (TLD) perfectly facilitates this, providing a trustworthy and useful sector-specific TLD space for men worldwide to follow their interests. The .MEN generic Top Level Domain (TLD) name creates a perfect virtual shop window for the online men’s interest sector, from which enterprises and like-minded consumers can access and promote the breadth of products and services on offer. With such a variety of men’s interests the ability to select concise second level domain names to fit with the .MEN generic Top Level Domain (TLD) enables quality Internet searches to be generated, ultimately improving search engine results and increasing website traffic.